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Sock sets... not just for cosy toes!

We all seem to love a sock set; they are always popular in my shop and are also one of my own go-tos when adding to my stash. The draw of the little bundle and the pop of the mini skein are what draws me in I think. And I love knitting socks, so we have the perfect solution.


But, lately I have been drawn to other fun ways to use our little squishy sets. Not everyone loves knitting socks, and even the die-hard sock knitters amongst us tire of a heel turn or toe decrease occasionally. So what of other ideas to use our precious yarn?

Here are some favourites spotted on a recent trawl of Ravelry, or recommended to me by lovely customers. I'd love to hear about other designs so please feel free to share those in the comments section! Please note that all patterns are linked to on Ravelry, however they may also be available on the designer's website, or on alternative platforms.

First up, shawls. The lovely Katie brought the Ellie Sock Set shawl by Heather Boos to my attention and it is perfect to showcase your favourite sets - why keep those lovely colours hidden under your shoes! The design is simple and geometric - it will go with so many outfits. 

Ellie Sock Set Shawl by Heather Boos

Another easy-to-wear design is the Abrazo Shawl by Lauren Slagle. Knit in relaxing garter stitch, it looks so summery in these colours too.

Abrazo Shawl by Lauren Slagle

If squishy garter stitch is your thing, then check out Must Love Garter by Kacey Herlihy - it looks addictive!

Must Love Garter shawl by Kacey Herlihy

The Spring Fling shawl by Espace Tricot has been in my 'to knit' queue for ages, and as its a free pattern I really have no excuses! I love the sweet tassle edging on this one...

Spring Fling by Espace Tricot

The beautiful Black Pearls by Christie Archer is next - I absolutely love this one, it is so elegant. 

Black Pearls by Christie Archer


A final mention for shawls goes to the Sock Set Shawlette by Rachel McGlone, and not only because it was designed in one of Beehive's sock sets! I love the eyelet design and interesting shape.

Sock Set Shawlette by Rachel McGlone

There are more shawls I am sure but we must move on now to... Cowls.

First up is the Bremerton Shawlette Cowl by new-to-me designer Julee Mackessy - I love the lacy bottom!

Bremerton Cowl by Julee Mackessy

I love this Iolite Crystal Cowl by Yelley L.d. The colours in the sample are dreamy! This would be a perfect pattern if you have any of last year's Beehive Crystal Visions Club yarn in your stash :)

We also musn't forget the striking Celestial Cowl by Lucinda Makes - and the first pattern on this list that I have made myself! Lucinda used Beehive Yarns Lady Midnight and Carmelita for her original design, and I love the night sky effect.

Celestial Cowl by Lucinda Makes

Next up, Hats and finally we have our first crochet entry! This is the Braddon Hat by Deanne Ramsay.

Braddon Hat by Deanne Ramsay

Another crochet hat, this stripey number is simply called '6th' by Inspire Creation, and is available in 3 sizes.

The Rainy Day Hat by Melanie Berg is a simple toque with a pop of colour from a picot design at the brim.

Rainy Day Hat

For a sweet colourwork pattern the Shine On hat by Ambah O'Brien comes with a bonus headband version too :)

If you are knitting for a small child then you will love Lorna by Maria Montzka, What a sweet silhouette!

Lorna hat by Maria Montzka

And last but not least, we have mitts. These are are great quick knit and lovely for gifts. The Ironwork Mitts by Jennifer Hagan feature a pretty fretwork pattern in the contrast colour.

Ironwork Mitts by Jennifer Hagan

The crocheted Winter Mountain Mitts by Nomad Stitches comes in 2 designs and a sock set is plenty to make the fingerless version.

And that folks must be all for now! I am certain I've missed some fantastic patterns, so there may well be a part 2 at some point, in the meantime though I hope you've discovered a new idea or two to use your sock sets!

Don't forget to share your favourites with us in the comments :)


  • Hello,
    I have seen a friend of mine bought a set from you. Wednesday yarns 13 days of Halloween. Would you have anymore of these sets available please.
    Thank you

    Kerry O'Keeffe
  • So cool!!!! Thank you for including the Abrazo Shawl in your inspirations!!!

    Lauren (Lolo)

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